Cassidy A. Lee Press, LLC: Blog Guest Feature Interview 06 – Michelle P. Jones

Cassidy: Welcome, Michelle! Please give our readers an introduction of yourself and a little about your book, Desperate Housewives of Biblical Proportions, and your businesses, The Authorpreneur Academy.

Michelle: Hi, everyone! I’m Michelle P. Jones, and the most recent book I published is Desperate Housewives of Biblical Proportions. It chronicles the lives of the seven matriarchs of Genesis, their physical and/or spiritual relationship with barrenness, and how their choices turned into Generational Curses that still plagued the Jews today. It also show everyone the damaging consequences when we live a life of barrenness where our lack controls our today and our tomorrows for generations.

Order Desperate Housewives of Biblical Proportions.

Cassidy: What inspired you to write your book?

Michelle: It was a divine assignment. It’s the culmination of a project that began as Vacation Bible School literature and grew into a book that speaks to how barrenness manifests itself in all of our lives.

Cassidy: Is there a message in your novel you want readers to grasp?

Michelle: That there is an answer and solution for the barrenness in your life.

Cassidy: Which character or part of the book was the most fun to write? Which part was the hardest?

Michelle: I enjoyed writing about Hagar she represents so many women today who have compromised themselves to have what always looked attractive and appealing. The harder part to write about involved Leah because of the real pain she experienced when she consistently compared herself to her sister, Rachel, and never saw her own value and worth.

Cassidy: How do you combat writer’s block? Do you have any advice for other writers?

Michelle: For each of my books, I scheduled the writing process and wrote during those times only. I kept my writing relevant by writing for a blog and magazines to have an outlet for the noise that sometimes came into my heart and mind. Noise that easily could have caused a block for me.

Cassidy: That is some very sound advice. An outlet to channel excess creativity through is a must.

Is there something your enjoy most about being an entrepreneur? Is there anything you aren’t fond about in entrepreneurship?

Michelle: The best part of being entrepreneur is being of service and sharing my knowledge, tools, and wisdom. The worst part of being an entrepreneur is, due to a lack of resources, sometimes I have to wait on implementing different aspects of programming until the resources are available.

Cassidy: What advice would you give to entrepreneurs struggling to balance their life and business?

Michelle: For some balance is an illusion. I would say make a point of keeping a regular schedule of self-care activities. It will help you create the balance in your life you desire. Remember, you are the most important person in your life, and you should treat yourself as such.

Cassidy: What marketing techniques have you used to sell your books, service(s) and/or product(s) and which ones have been most successful?

Michelle: Creating a community of supporters has been my favorite marketing tool. It has created a momentum that translated into sales. We work so hard in getting testimonies and referrals. By creating a community of supporters you have both within the same group of people.

Cassidy: Where do you see your business in three years?

Michelle: I see myself fully implementing my Authorpreneur Academy membership structure, where members can learn at the times available to them and remain knowledgeable in their chosen field.

Cassidy: Your insight has been valuable to me and our readers. Thank you! Please share your social media and business contact information, so we can continue to follow, support, and glean from you.

Michelle: You are welcome and thank you! Here are a list of my platforms.






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